Below are various illustrations created for personal projects and friends.

Cover Design for “Baby Mango’s Christmas Birthday” (2023)

Animal ABC Series – A is for Axolotl

B is for Binturong

C is for Cockatoo

D is for bearded Dragon

E is for Emu

F is for red-eyed tree Frog

G is for Gila monster

H is for Hyrax

Illustrations for a friend’s apparel company, whose focus is to trust God rather than man.

Hand illustrated tattoo design for a friend, scanned and finished in Adobe Illustrator.

Earthworm Jim and Bob the Goldfish

Lex & Rector (Guten Tag)

Hand drawn illustration for a wedding invitation, scanned and finished in Adobe Illustrator.

Various Star Wars illustrations using pen and watercolor marker.

Hand drawn Christmas Card illustration (pen and watercolor marker).

Hand drawn illustration (brush pen).